Live your purpose and a lifestyle that resonates with your Soul and Values

Today I stumbled upon an old social media post I shared back in 2016 via Purpose Driven Entrepreneur.
In it, I quoted Criss Jami (Venus in Arms) “Find a purpose to serve, not a lifestyle to live.”

In that same post, I added to what was my personal view from that time and still is, since I believe the purpose to serve and a lifestyle to live are not opposites, but rather, complementary. So I modified and added to it:

“Live your purpose and a lifestyle that resonates with your Soul and Values, that brings you joy while spreading joy. In a conscious way. In a meaningful way. Serving and creating impact. Because every little act counts to make this world a better one.”

Today, I reflected upon that paragraph I wrote then and how, in some way, those lines became a personal and daily reminder.


Sometimes life takes us to paths we don’t imagine we’ll be walking.
Sometimes life gets so busy that we forget the essentials.
Sometimes worries flood us like a river without borders.

As a single mom, as a woman who’s rebuilding her life, as someone who loves deeply, a nature lover, a dance enthusiast, a (Spanish speaking) writer, a business owner, a creator, a learner, a well-being promotor, and an emotional education advocate…

As someone who loves to share ideas, thoughts, and experiences, I sometimes wake up asking “What’s in here for me? What’s next? Am I living as I want to live? Am I serving in my full capacity? Am I spreading joy? Am I living on purpose? Am I happy? Am I contributing to making this a better world?”

The answer is… not always.
Not every moment.
Because life is a rollercoaster. And I am a mere human.

However, remembering my biggest WHY and that I am just a beautiful and imperfect lifestream living in perfect imperfection, helps me to smile and to fuel my energy to just BE, following my heart and doing my best to listen to the wisdom of my Soul.

I know inside of me that, by doing so, everything is and will be fine.
That everything I do while respecting my inner and outer self and my values, honoring my own rhythms and personal ecosystem will bring me closer to where I want to be and where I want to go.
In Service. With Joy. With meaning.

I wish that for every one of you.

Yes, I have a positive attitude.
And no, being positive doesn’t mean avoiding pain, hiding or denying difficulties, or imagining a pink bubble of “I only see perfection”.

A positive attitude is just that, feeling positive.
Knowing that despite the storms and difficulties, things will be better and I will learn and grow in the process, strengthening my own resilience. With Gratitude in the heart.

What about you?

Meantime, I wish you a wonderful weekend.
With Joy and Gratitude for being part of my world,

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