Live your purpose and a lifestyle that resonates with your Soul and Values

Today I stumbled upon an old social media post I shared back in 2016 via Purpose Driven Entrepreneur.
In it, I quoted Criss Jami (Venus in Arms) “Find a purpose to serve, not a lifestyle to live.”

In that same post, I added to what was my personal view from that time and still is, since I believe the purpose to serve and a lifestyle to live are not opposites, but rather, complementary. So I modified and added to it:

“Live your purpose and a lifestyle that resonates with your Soul and Values, that brings you joy while spreading joy. In a conscious way. In a meaningful way. Serving and creating impact. Because every little act counts to make this world a better one.”

Today, I reflected upon that paragraph I wrote then and how, in some way, those lines became a personal and daily reminder.


Sometimes life takes us to paths we don’t imagine we’ll be walking.
Sometimes life gets so busy that we forget the essentials.
Sometimes worries flood us like a river without borders.

As a single mom, as a woman who’s rebuilding her life, as someone who loves deeply, a nature lover, a dance enthusiast, a (Spanish speaking) writer, a business owner, a creator, a learner, a well-being promotor, and an emotional education advocate…

As someone who loves to share ideas, thoughts, and experiences, I sometimes wake up asking “What’s in here for me? What’s next? Am I living as I want to live? Am I serving in my full capacity? Am I spreading joy? Am I living on purpose? Am I happy? Am I contributing to making this a better world?”

The answer is… not always.
Not every moment.
Because life is a rollercoaster. And I am a mere human.

However, remembering my biggest WHY and that I am just a beautiful and imperfect lifestream living in perfect imperfection, helps me to smile and to fuel my energy to just BE, following my heart and doing my best to listen to the wisdom of my Soul.

I know inside of me that, by doing so, everything is and will be fine.
That everything I do while respecting my inner and outer self and my values, honoring my own rhythms and personal ecosystem will bring me closer to where I want to be and where I want to go.
In Service. With Joy. With meaning.

I wish that for every one of you.

Yes, I have a positive attitude.
And no, being positive doesn’t mean avoiding pain, hiding or denying difficulties, or imagining a pink bubble of “I only see perfection”.

A positive attitude is just that, feeling positive.
Knowing that despite the storms and difficulties, things will be better and I will learn and grow in the process, strengthening my own resilience. With Gratitude in the heart.

What about you?

Meantime, I wish you a wonderful weekend.
With Joy and Gratitude for being part of my world,

Wellbeing Route (tips for wellbeing)

You’re precious. You’re brilliant. You have a unique way to bring Light to the world by just being You.

Taking care of yourself, and nurturing your wellbeing is one of the most important things you can do for your being, your work and business, your family, your community, and the world.

I assure you, by doing so, you’re setting the path to Shine your Genius and create joy and fulfillment in your world.

Spring, happiness, genius, boundaries, and our biological clock

I love spring

I love the month of March.

Do you?

As someone who’s so tuned with nature and its rhythms, the season’s changes have a great impact on my work, business, and personal life.

And, not only for me but for all people, everyday life is regulated by season patterns and our circadian rhythms.

At the same time, circadian rhythms (physical, mental, and behavioral changes that follow a 24-hour cycle) are regulated by our internal, biological clock which is composed of tons of specific proteins in our cells that interact through our body and are controlled by a “master clock” in the brain (thousands of neurons around the hypothalamus) and then receive direct input or information from our eyes.

Circadian rhythms (physical, mental, and behavioral changes that follow a 24-hour cycle) are regulated by our internal, biological clock.

Circadian rhythms (physical, mental, and behavioral changes that follow a 24-hour cycle) are regulated by our internal, biological clock.

And daylight is such an important factor for wellbeing and of course, with the entrance of the spring season, more natural daily light comes into our world.

I love how beautiful, brilliant, and intelligent is our body.

As we’re part of nature, we also get regulated by the natural genius of Mother Nature, even if we don’t realize it or take it for granted.

Spring brings more light. Thus, melatonin in our body eases up, and so does the internal stress brought by the lack of light from winter.

Besides that, spring has with it the energy of new beginnings, renovation, and joy!

Interestingly enough, the United Nations did proclaim the 20th of March as the International Day of Happiness .

So, this year, the spring equinox started on March 20th, the very day that the world celebrates Happiness!

This year, the spring equinox started on March 20th, the very day that the world celebrates Happiness!

What does all this means for me? Boosted energy, more clarity, and direction for projects. I also feel lighter and like this is my true new year, yes, it feels like coming out from winter hibernation. Sometimes I think that the New Year should start with spring and not on January the first. 

Besides the physical seasons in nature, energetically, each one of us goes through different inner, energetic seasons of spring, summer, fall, or winter throughout the year. And each day, we can also feel and live our personal cycles, seasons, and rhythms if we pay attention to them.

This is something that the members of my group coaching program “Dancing Life/Danzar la Vida” and the participants of my course “Embrace your Genius/Abraza tu genialidad” have not only learned about but experienced consciously.

When we recognize and honor our inner rhythms and our personal inner nature (who we really are and how we function), we boost our energy, get easily in flow, raise our immune system, and find ourselves living with more balance that helps us not only to Shine our Genius but also, to have clarity on how we function in a daily basis, what do we accept and what not, thus, we have more clarity and energy too to set boundaries that help to live life and work with less stress, no overwhelm or too many frustrations.

In fact, honoring and respecting our inner rhythms set the way to better regulate our emotions, be at ease, have a sense of flow and fulfillment, and look at the world in a more positive way, helping us to live more and more our full potential.

Speaking on boundaries, also this month (March 28th) I will be part of an Expert Panel, hosted by my dearest friend Susanna Reay who’s a brilliant Business Coach. During this panel, a group of female experts will be discussing, and sharing ideas, tips, and strategies about how to set healthy boundaries as business owners and leaders.

Would you like to attend? I would leave the link in the comments.

Experts panel for How to set healthy boundaries for entrepreneurs and leaders.

So, a final thought for today:

I Love the month of March and…

I Love Spring Time.

What about you?

What nature taught me about ‘natural genius’

Photo: Tania Blanco | Bee and English Garden at Ouchy

I enjoy being outside and observe nature. I am always amazed at how beautifully organized, connected and collaborating are all the elements of an ecosystem.

A bee knows she’s a bee and is not wondering why she doesn’t jump like a hare. A butterfly goes slowly through the process to grow wings after being in her own cocoon of transformation from a chrysalis to a full growth butterfly.

I do not speak ‘butterfly language’ but if I could, I am sure I’ll learn that she’s not even thinking to become a lion or to speed up her own transformation, and she will tell me to just “trust the process” and respect my own cycles.

The chrysalis has all the potential to become a butterfly, and it will if all the conditions are right. An acorn has all the potential to become a huge, strong and wonderful oak if the conditions are right. The potential for greatness is inside, in its own code and ADN.

As human beings, we have also huge potential. It’s inside of us. And cultivating the right conditions to express it, this is crucial.

It’s funny, we’re the only species that look to each other trying to be the one in front instead of being just “you”, just “me”.

We have innate genius and potential for growth, innumerable talents but not all of us are aware of its greatness. Some times we are but for one reason or another we don’t use them in its fullest or in some cases, we’re secretly or unknowingly afraid to use them, to be of service, too visible, to be bright.

Yes, many times is not even our fault.

No one told us how to go through this process of becoming “us”. At school they teach us techniques, theories, how to DO… but no, the regular school system doesn’t teach us how to BE.

And also, due to cultural, educational, social or even family conditioning, there is a tendency to look into what’s “missing” and try to fill it in instead of valuing what is already there and expand it. I mean in terms of natural geniusinnate talents and our personal essence. Plus all we learn through personal and professional experience. And yes, as in nature, our own potential can be expanded if we cultivate the right conditions.

That’s why I am so fascinated observing and learning from Mother Nature’s Wisdom and translate that into teaching, mentoring and facilitating transformation.

Right now, I AM on a personal mission to guide heart-centred individuals, entrepreneurs and entrepreneurs to be, to cultivate their natural genius and plant the seeds for ways to create flow+abundance in their life, work and business, respecting their personal nature, rhythms, cycles, creativity streams and their own inner ways to be more productive, connected with others and communicate according to their own essence and personality, so they can be the Natural LEADER of their own life.

And yes, that’s what nature has taught me: to respect my cycles and own rhythm, to observe my own natural way of being, to connect deeply, to nurture others, to be of service, to flow like the river, to transform like the clouds, to ignite like the fire, to be strong and yet flexible as the bamboo, to be grounded like the roots of a tree. Also, it showed me that sharing it with others is part of my mission.

My motto:

“Honor your Inner Nature. Cultivate your Natural Genius”.

By the way, I am going now into a new adventure and will be running, at the end of July (2020), a FREE online course aimed to “Embrace your genius”. This time, the course will be in Spanish, my mother language, even though most of the time I work in English. So here I am, going out of my comfort zone, but really connected to my own natural genius. And yes, it will be also an Englis edition.

May I ask you a big favour?

If you know someone that could benefit from this course, please invite them to join “Abraza tu genialidad”.

Here is the link to the application form:

Meanwhile, I wish you a wonderful weekend and all the best for you to honour Your Natural Genius.